Chair Decors COVID-19 Response Measures

Chair Decors COVID-19 Response Measures

With the current situation regarding the global pandemic of COVID-19, we want our customers as well as employees to remain safe and happy; as such, we set out to create a list of Covid-19 Safety Protocols and initiatives to keep our staff safe. Although our doors remained closed to the public, we are here working away to keep our team busy and help our clients with any linen needs.

To begin, we’d like to highlight our Internal Safety Protocols

  • Cloth Face Masks are to be worn at all times when social distancing cannot be maintained
  • Hands must be washed immediately upon arrival, and cellphones wiped & sanitize
  • New gloves to be warn when handling returned items or un-sanitized materials
  • Only one employee may be in the lunch/break room at a time
  • Lysol wipes will be used to clean workstations, handles, and lightswitches immediately following lunch, breaks, and at the end of the day
  • Our warehouse bay doors will be open as often as possible, and fans will be used to improve air flow within the office
  • Workplaces, computers, and telephones are not to be shared*
  • A distance of two meters are to be retained between all staff members whenever physically possible

For those interested in our Delivery Service, we’ve also made new plans for protecting our clients

  • Cloth Face Masks are to be worn onsite at all times
  • Upon arrival and completion of delivery at a Customer location, our drivers MUST sanitize their hands before leaving and entering the vehicle. New protective gloves will be used by drivers at each delivery location.
  • Only 1 employee will be allowed in our delivery vehicle at any given time
  • Our delivery vehicle will be continuously sanitized throughout the day
  • Technology used by delivery drivers will not be shared during these times (GPS, Cellphone, etc.)
  • All linens are freshly pressed and cleaned, as per usual, prior to leaving our warehouse
  • Goods MUST be dropped off at the designated location; for now, our drivers will not be passing through segways

*Saturday pick-ups will now be offered to ensure linens are not left on-site for long periods of time. We’re hoping to reduce any form of cross contamination as much as possible!

If you feel uncomfortable with any one of our team entering your premise, please let us know. We will do our best to arrange a custom delivery protocol and schedule to ensure the safety of both our teams.

What we’re asking of our Customers

  • To ensure we have a designated clean, safe area for deliveries
  • To ensure minimal employees are on site during our arranged delivery time
  •  To offer mutual respect of social distancing guidelines
  •  To place used linens in a bag immediately following the event
  • To individually bag any wet or chocolate fountain linens

*Any event larger than 20 people is taking place upon arrival, the linens will be left at a designated area on a rolling rack*

If you have any further questions about the following guidelines please let us know, we want to make sure everyone feels happy and comfortable with the new changes. We take pride in our ability to deliver the best customer experience from sales to delivery. These improved cleaning processes are not that new to our team but may be new to you! We look forward to hearing your feedback and working with you soon!

Keep The Celebrations Going

With summer on the horizon we find ourselves still living in a unique and precarious situation; events that may have been planned for years now are having to make some severe adaptations to still work comfortably in this day and age of social distancing. During these times, we at Chair Decor have been put in a position where we have the opportunity to help the betterment of society with our tips and tricks on social distancing events. These times may make events more difficult to run, but these are also the times when positive contributions to life are all the more necessary, and what’s more positive than a celebration? While social distancing means we must be more cautious, we can’t let it deter us from celebrating the important milestones in our lives altogether. Birthday are a great example; while going out to eat with a group of friend’s may no longer be possible, sharing the moment with them still is, through the many video platforms offered online (Zoom, Skype, etc!).


You probably have a lot of worries about online celebrations; “it’s just not the same”, or “it doesn’t feel like a REAL celebration”. Then make it one! A large part of any event’s atmosphere is the decorations. If you’re hosting a birthday party in an all-white room, you might not be giving off the ambience you’re looking for. Have some balloons and streamers in the background; put a decorative linen on the table you’re using. Bake a cake, and eat it in the company of your event guests! The more work you put into it, the more unique and special this event will feel for you. Have an instagram fashion shoot; pose in front of the balloons genuinely and satirically, make some fun of the situation! The most important part to remember about this is that it’s an out of the ordinary event to have fun with, not an endeavour!


Other great, innovative ideas during this time include baby gender reveals! Send your friends cupcakes (ensuring proper sanitation during the entire process, of course) with a blue or pink filling, and have them all take a bite at the same time while on video call. Decorate your door with pink and blue balloons for the neighbors to see, and only leave the balloons of the babies gender to signal them. Invite your family to an outdoor reveal, making sure to keep your distance. The possibilities are endless, with the right mindset!


The main message, we at Chair Decor are trying to send, is that we fully support you during this event planning process, and hope to help offer you the many alternatives to spice up any event’s, like Birthdays, without leaving the house. It will give you a unique and special birthday memory to look back on; A memory of adapting to the strange times around you, accentuating the positives, and showing a level of perseverance rarely seen in most.

There are a ton of other beautiful concepts that can be found online through Pinterest or Youtube with how others are making the best of the situation. We don’t need to stop being social during this distancing phase, we just need to be smart about how we celebrate, and to do so more than ever before!!! We truly hope this has helped in your quest to begin your event planning or adaptations.

Once The Linens Are Ready!

At Chair Decor we pride ourselves on having a unique variety of linens that can complete any look. Once you have picked your theme or colour palette, we can assist you with making your décor vision come to life! In this blog, we are going to walk through our delivery process and what that looks like for you!

Many of our clients prefer to book an appointment and select the linens or accessories that work perfectly for their event ahead of their event date. However, you can still secure your order through the phone or website! Once you have secured your contract and confirmed the order, we allow for 2 methods of delivery. For pick ups, a client will arrange the time and date with their sales representative. Chair Décor will ensure their order is ready to go based on their scheduled time!  The orders get prepped and prepared and made available through our front office, where a team member will greet you on arrival. It’s quick and simple! The linens are prepared and placed in plastic bags to shield them from all weather conditions, we also provide you with a labelled, heavy duty bag for soiled linens after use. A descriptive label is placed on the linen bag with your event detail information, linen name, quantity, and size. We are also happy to include any additional information our clients deem necessary to ensure a smooth and easy experience once you are onsite with your order. We try our absolute best to ensure customer satisfaction from all levels of the customer experience!

If you do not wish to pick-up your order, that is okay with us! We also offer a delivery service, which comes with a charge, that delivers throughout the GTA and York Region. The driver has a daily delivery schedule with detailed notes provided through a member of our team. Our drivers know to work quickly but carefully to deliver the linens safely to their designated location. We always touch base with the Venue Coordinators to ensure they are prepared for the arrival of your linen but also to make sure the linens are delivered to the appropriate onsite location. Pick up and drop off times for the orders are discussed between the account manager and the client, to determine what works best for you, the venue as well as our other scheduled deliveries. This helps with your general pricing as well as our efficiency, and is meant to make both parties as satisfied as possible.

Chair Decor delivers not just speciality orders but also to large venues at least twice a week to meet supply and demand. This allows us more flexibility to meet client’s various needs to ensure no linens are held onsite too long as well as accommodate all venue’s set-up times.

We take pride in our customer experience which includes our timely and professional deliveries. Once your event is over, we have already scheduled a prompt pick-up for your used linens. This time is pre-arranged based on the event and venue details. The extra thick, labelled plastic bags provided with all our orders are used at the end of the night immediately following your event. These bags allow us to differentiate our linens from potential other orders onsite or other events taking place which makes the pick-up by our team go much more quickly and efficiently. Once the items come back to our warehouse, our dedicated staff members open the bags, count the products, separate, and then thoroughly clean the linens. This is an extremely professional, streamlined process to ensure as few hiccups as possible. By the end of your experience, we are always working to ensure that every customer becomes a customer for life!